Happy Monday!
We hope you all had an amazing long weekend with your families.
This morning we welcomed our friends into the big yard where they enjoyed each other’s company, doing some drawing, building block towers and riding the bikes around. Once all of our friends had arrived, we headed indoors for a group time with Miss Bec. Today for group time we spoke about our weekends, and read Nayla’s book that she brought in called “magic fairy”. We then read “guess how much I love you” where we then spoke about Father’s Day and how much we love our dads.
After morning tea, we got on with our Father’s day presents. Whilst waiting for our turn to make our own, we enjoyed free play in the yard and indoors. The children were so excited to make these gifts! Reminder about our Father’s Day afternoon this Friday 4-5pm, we would love to see as many dad’s as possible! RSVP list is on the front desk. During free play we found ourselves playing with the bubbles, riding the bikes participating in our yoga session and lots more!
Sorry for the short blog, we just do not want to ruin your presents!
Bec, Aaliyah and Alicia x