Hello all and a big welcome into the Senior Kindy room this wonderful Monday.

Today Miss Jess gave big smiles and warm hugs to say hello to her new friends and introducing herself to Ayla, Hendrix and our new Senior Kindy friend Tate. ย Miss TJ is away today but will be back before you know it ๐Ÿ˜Š

Meanwhile Miss Jess has been settling in nicely alongside Tate! Tate had so much fun playing with the cars on the mat and exploring through all the cool different types! He was so excited when he found the dumper truck. Miss Jess asked โ€œhave you seen one before in your streetโ€ Tate replied โ€œyesโ€ as he happily kept playing with it on the mat. Hendrix and Ayla also thought the cars were a favorite today as they all played nicely together and being so welcoming of their new friend Tate.

Hendrix found the toy phone awesome as he went on to explain to Miss Jess saying โ€œI am on phone to my mumโ€ as he is continues chatting away on the phone while playing in the home corner with the babies in the stroller ๐Ÿ˜Š

Ayla enjoyed home corner too! Ayla liked getting delicious meals ready for her babies as well as heading to the grocery store to get more food. Ayla inspired our craft fun today as she wanted to make a birthday hat for her mum! How sweet ๐Ÿ˜Š so Miss Jess got straight to it and gathered the materials needed to make some cool hats! Hendrix and Tate both participated in this activity too and they all rather enjoyed it ๐Ÿ˜Š

Throughout the day all friends self-selected toys/activities of their interest from playing with the puzzles on the table to making necklaces with Miss Jade and many other exciting things that they enjoyed. Our friends also did a wonderful job when it came to their morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea as they demonstrated how well they can self-help and self- serve themselves without a worry!! Such a great job by all three ๐Ÿ˜Š

Miss Jess loved getting to know your sweet treasures today and she is looking forward to the oncoming days to work alongside Miss TJ and her new fellow Senior Kindy friends.

This afternoon we had fun outside in the sun with everyone. ๐Ÿ˜Š

We hope you all had a lovely day just as we did,

Thankyou Senior Kindy for today and see you all very soon,

Miss Jess, Miss Jade & Miss TJ xx