Happy Thursday families and friends…
What a super fun day of learning and play in the Senior Kindy room today. This morning we welcomed our new friend ‘Denis’ to our little family. We hope you enjoyed your first day here at Riversdale and you make lots of new friends over the coming weeks. Today the children were very engaged as they were given the opportunity to choose from some of their favourite play experiences. The children moved about the room taking turns and playing in pairs. The children engaged in sensory play dough play, making birthday cakes with the paddle pop sticks. We sang Happy Birthday to Taran who turns ‘three’ on the weekend. Some friends enjoyed matching and sorting the animal magnets on the whiteboard and helping each other discover the pairs. Transport play was great fun as the children worked together to set up the emergency stations and wooden ramp on the car mat. Miss Leesa collected the cupcakes for baking and role play in home corner. Yarn time today we shared one of our favourite stories ‘Who Sank the Boat’. The children love to predict the story-line and read along with the book. We then played follow-the- leader, dingle dangle scarecrow and ring-a-rosey on the mat.What a great day of play at kindy today..
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa