Happy Thursday families and friends…

Today the Senior Kindy children had a wonderful day of fun, learning and play. This morning after a yummy morning tea of pancakes and fresh fruit the children were excited to engage in a variety of play experiences. The children took turns practicing their fine motor, hand/eye coordination skills as they used the tongs to carefully collect the pom poms and place them into the recycled egg cartons. The children counted together as they gathered the pom poms and filled the egg cartons. Some friends engaged in sensory play dough play as they utilised the wooden rollers, hammers , colorful shapes and castles to make snakes, birthday cakes and patterns in the dough. Grocery shopping in home corner was popular as the children collected the baskets and set about gathering fruits and vegetables and then pretending to buy the items at the grocery shop stand. Puzzle play was popular as the children worked side by side to help each other complete the shapes and animal puzzles. Transport play was great fun as the children helped Miss Leesa set up the mat, emergency stations and vehicles. The children raced the cars and trucks down the wooden ramp and then made their way up the ramps to the police and fire stations.  The children called out ’emergency, emergency’ as they played with the police and ambulance cars. What a super fun day at kindy today!

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Lyn