Happy Thursday families and friends…

What a super fun day of learning and play in the Senior Kindy room today. The children started their day off with sharing stories during morning tea time. Today we shared ‘Chomp goes to School’, a story about a little shark who goes to school for the first time and learns how to make new friends. After morning tea the children were excited to transition to a variety of fun play experiences. Today the children were given the opportunity to enjoy sensory play dough play using the animal shapes. The children also continued on with practicing their ‘pincer grip’ using the whiteboard markers to draw pictures. Some friends expressed their creativity using the fluro paint pens to paint rainbows while some children decided to write more letters to post in the red mailbox. The children then requested singing and dancing so Miss Leesa collected the rainbow ribbons and superhero capes and the children played follow the leader and musical statues as they released some energy due to a day inside with the rain.

Until next time..

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Tatyana and Miss Danica