07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon friends and families,

This morning we welcomed Lachlan, Rumi, Luca, Parker, Zahra, Goku, Banjo, Henry, Alanis, Lilly, Dominic, Lincoln, Kennedy, Grace and Poppy into the room. We started the morning in the yard with all of our friends, climbing, singing, dancing and running around. Some of us enjoyed home corner,and most of us just enjoyed climbing on different areas.

We then came inside for group time where we read We are going on a bear hunt before washing our hands and sitting down for morning tea. After morning tea, we enjoyed indoor/outdoor play where the children were free to roam from inside to outside, playing with different toys and materials. The children inside enjoyed home corner, playing shops and selling eachother chicken nuggets. Outdoors, some enjoyed water play and some enjoyed riding bikes and building towers.

We then came inside where we had lunch and layer down for rest time.

Love Miss Bec and Deb xx