Happy Tuesday families and friends…
Today we started our day in the Senior Kindy room with our morning Yarn Time including our ‘Acknowledgment to Country’, ‘Good morning song’ and a storybook. Today we shared the ‘Five Little Ducks’ book as we discussed how important it is that we stay close to our mums and dads when we are out and about and hold their hand, because we don’t want to get lost like the ‘five little ducks’ did in the story.
After morning tea today we continued on with practicing our fine motor skills as the children were given the opportunity to thread ‘penne pasta’ pieces onto pipe cleaners to create bracelets. Miss Leesa and Miss Danica demonstrated how to carefully push the pasta onto the pipe cleaners and thread them along. The children were excited to have a turn as they confidently thread the pasta and made lots on bracelets. To further extend on the children’s fine motor skills, Miss Leesa collected the ‘paper cutting’ experience where the children utilised the plastic scissors to practice cutting along the lines. This task was a little more challenging so we will continue to practice this fine motor skill throughout the week. Other play experinces today included transport play – building the wooden train tracks, role play in home corner – cooking and washing up, building and constructing with the lego set and sharing books on the pillows.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Danica