Happy Tuesday families and friends…
Today in the Senior Kindy room we continued on with recognising our ‘first names’ as the children were given the opportunity to identify their own names written on the whiteboard as they transitioned to wash their hands in the bathroom.The children were very pleased with themselves as they proudly jumped up and called out ‘that’s me’ or raised their hand with a ‘smile’. After morning tea the children were excited to engage in a variety of fun experiences. Today Miss Leesa prepared the table with drawing on the whiteboards, building with the magnetic tiles, sensory play dough play with the wooden rollers and hammers and animal magnet play. The children took turns as they rotated around the table and had a wonderful time playing and learning. Taran and Miss Danica made cupcakes to celebrate Taran’s ‘3rd Birthday’ from the weekend. The children enjoyed stirring the ingredients and making observations as Miss Danica carefully poured the mixture into the patty pans.
Yarn time today the children settled on the mat for story time. Today we shared ‘Wombat went-a-Walking’. The children thought it was very funny that the emu, wombat, crocodile and magpie all gathered for a dance and to learn how to ‘boogie’. The story then lead into the children pretending to snap like crocodiles and flap like magpies as we sang and danced. The children also joined in on a game of ring-a-rosey and follow-the-leader.
What a super day of fun, learning and play in the Senior Kindy room today…
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Danica