Wow, Wednesday already!
This morning we welcomed our friends Hudson, Nayla, Toby, Luca, Nikora, Brayden, Orion, Everly, Henry, Banjo, Rosie, Lincoln, Rumi, Poppy, Tua and Zahra into the room. Our friends spent their morning outdoors engaging in a variety of activities including the obstacle course, making frozen yoghurt in home corner, zooming into space on the swing and riding the bikes around as fast as we could. Once all of our friends had arrived, we headed indoors where we washed our hands and sat down for morning tea.
After morning tea, we sat down for a group time with Miss Bec. Today we spoke about our feelings and different manners including “please, thank you and sorry”. We spoke about the appropriate times to say the different words, sorry for hurting friends, thanking mum for dinner and please when you ask for something. We then transitioned to the tables where we sat down to extend on this conversation.
Our friends told us how they feel by drawing it on paper, most drew a happy face and some drew a sad face. When asked why they are happy or sad, most answers were “happy because mum will be here soon” or “I am sad and miss mummy”. We then did another activity on the felt boards, making the faces using the felt stickers. Recognising feelings is great for the children to learn as it helps them communicate in all situations. They are then able to recongise that they may or may not like a certain action or movement.
We had a little play outside before it was time for lunch and rest time.
Love Miss Bec, Aaliyah and Alicia x