Happy Wednesday!
This morning our friends spent their morning outdoors in the small yard. They spent their time climbing on obstacle courses and engaging with one another. We then moved to the big yard due to some of our friends having soccer. In the big yard, we practiced obstacle courses with a blind fold, having the assistance of our educators and peers. This was great for our coordination and senses. Before we knew it, it was time for us to come inside for morning tea.
Before morning tea, we sat down for a group time and spoke about feelings, and how we were all feeling today. Most of us were happy, some of us were excited. We then sang bee bee bumble bee, before washing our hands and sitting down for morning tea. Our activities today consisted of continuing on with our letter exploration and interest for this topic, including our wooden alphabet letters again into our playdough again we explored expanding on our pincer grip as we used the scissors to cut up the playdough and placed letters into the playdough. Over with Miss Bec the children created some beautiful collages using their imaginations to create colourful creations. We also explored some different textures today, we explored through homemade coloured snow which the texture felt exactly like snow. The children enjoyed this experience as they developed on their social skills and sharing abilities.
Seeyou all again tomorrow, Love Miss Bec, Miss Alicia and Miss Aliyah xx
Ps. photos of our day will once again be posted on our senior kindy door so look out for them when you come and collect your child 🙂