Happy Friday families and friends..

Today in the Toddler room the children had a wonderfully busy day of fun and play. We started our day in the great outdoors exploring the playground and enjoying the fresh air and beautiful weather. The children engaged in a variety of experiences including water play, digger play in the sand, racing the bikes and chasing the bubbles with Miss Gabby. We then transitioned indoors for our ‘Acknowledgment to Country’ and good morning songs before enjoy a yummy morning tea of fresh fruit, jelly and yoghurt. The children then washed their hands and happily transitioned to role play with the police and fire transport stations. The children have been learning to negotiate roles and play in pairs and  in small groups as they engage in this play. Yarn time today the children chose some of our new favourite books including ‘Horaay for Fish’, ‘Dear Zoo’ and ‘Where’s the green Sheep?’. Animal themed books are definitely the most popular amongst the group at the moment. The children then gathered on the mat for movement to music. Today we collected the rainbow ribbons and superhero capes and the children showed off their dance moves and super hero powers such as flying. We then decided to make our way back outdoors for a play before big lunch and rest time.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Gabby