Good afternoon Toddler One Families and Friends. This morning we enjoyed our outdoor environment as we made sandcastle’s in the wet sand. We chased and kicked the balls around the playground with our friends as well as riding our bikes and navigating the obstacle course. Once indoors we said our acknowledgment to country and practiced our morning songs. Our transition song today is “We Wash Our Hands”. Indoors the children focused on the construction sets, both our fire house and our police station are very popular with the children as they role model playing policemen and firemen and women. Our Yarn time stories today were “Dear Zoo” – “Hooray For Fish” and “Thomas The Tank Is Feeling” … we also enjoyed our usual songs and nursery rhymes. When Mr Daniel arrived for our Arakan Lesson, the children enjoyed practising their martial arts skills. See you all tomorrow.

Love from Miss Leesa & Miss Lyn. xxx