Hi families, hoping you had a lovely day today.

This morning we began our day inside with some stories, blocks and cars. Since it was raining we spent the morning inside for a while, playing with the blocks and making our own car track with the fancy new cars we bought for the classroom.

When it was morning tea time we went and washed our hands, and sat down at the table and served ourselves our morning tea today. Today was bananas and apples/pear crumble. We have noticed the children are much more excited about eating and their eating times when they are able to self serve themselves.

After morning tea we had a quick group time with a story and a few songs, we talked about what activities we had on offer today and the children were very excited! We asked “who would like to play with the playdough” and “who would like to play with the pasta and dinosaurs” to both questions the response was “me!!!!!” and lots of excitement. When asked if there was anything else they would like to do, Delila said “drawing” and Chanel said “sandpit”.

We decided after the children had had a bit of a play with activities, we decided to put our shoes on and go outside for a play.

We hope you had a great day!

Lots of love, Miss Steph, Miss Danna and Miss Gabi xxxx