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Happy Tuesday Families & Friends.

Today we decided to take advantage of the cooler day and the children chose outdoor activities to do, in pairs or small groups. Taking turns to carry buckets of wet sand to the sandpit for construction of sandcastles and sand pies, while some chose to transport the sand by wheelbarrow to help with the construction. Others chose to engage in play with the diggers and dump trucks, transferring sand from one to the other. Then the children ran excitedly to the stage area where Gucci (the horse that lives next door) had brought his friends to visit at the fence line. All the children take delight in seeing Gucci everyday, and there is much discussion about what he eats and where he sleeps. Miss Lyn told the children that a long time ago, Gucci used to come to the fence  and we were able to give him treats, such as carrots and apples. Other activities today included – Riding our bikes, running races and bubble play.

Indoor activities included  our acknowledgment to country, good morning songs and nursery rhymes and construction with the train set. We also practice our hygiene skills as we wash our hands before and after our meals. And we are focusing on our packing away skills as well. We have had a lovely day and we look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow,

Love from Miss Lyn & Miss Leesa. xx