Happy Friday♥
Hello and welcome to our day here in the Toddler Two room! Today was so much fun and a great finish to what has been a lovely week with all superstars back♥
This morning started with the children practicing their catching skills as they play a game of catch and throw with one another, face painting a red nose with Miss Jess for Red Nose Day, swinging in the breeze with Miss Lauren and making using their wonderful imagination as the make scrumptious food out of the bark with Miss Lais. It was a lovely morning and now it was time to come together on the veranda ready to come inside on the mat for a group time.
In group time today, Miss Jess read ‘’Hide and Seek Under the Sea’’ as Spencer handed it to Miss Jess. As we read throughout the book the children showed how great their memory was as they remembered what was behind the weeds and coral when Miss Jess asked. Such cleaver superstars they all are! When we had finished the book, we sung our transition song to wash our hands and get ready for morning tea. The children enjoyed a delicious Banana Split with seasonal fresh fruit.
As the children helped to pack away their things, we got ready to set foot again in the inviting outdoors. As we ventured out Miss Jenny arrived for FUNKY FEET TIME!!! Today in dance they showed their groovy dance moves as they shacked the shakers and pom poms in the air and practiced their forward rolls on the soft mat that Miss Jenny put down. Afterwards Miss Jess had made red playdough to enjoy outside on the tables. They liked rolling it, poking it, squishing it through their hands and cutting shapes out of it. What a great way to end the morning off before we came inside for a tasty lunch which was Friday Roast Up with a fresh salad bar. They LOVED the pea protein veggie balls!!! They then headed to their beds for a energised rest for this afternoon’s fun adventure to end their week.
Thank you all for this week♥
See you all next week, have a safe and lovely weekend♥
Miss Jess, Miss Lauren and Miss Lais xx