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Good Afternoon Families and happy Friday!

This morning Miss Thais, Bec and Dominque welcomed Zahra, Ava, Parker, Ivy, Aria, Tai, Lara, Kezia, Onyx and Lincoln into the yard where the children explored the playground, interacting with both their educators and their peers. The conversations between children and educators are becoming so amazingly beautifyul! Miss Thais then gathered us and sat us down for group time outdoors where she read us ‘Peppa’s Pumpkin Party’ and sang us our “good morning” song along with “bee bee bumble bee”, before we transitioned inside to wash out hands for morning tea.

After morning tea, our dance teacher came in to teach us some groovy new moves, move our bodies around and go crazy to the music! Music and dance help the childrens brain and body work together, forming coordination skills whilst learning about the sound of music and song.

Once we were out of dance moves, Miss Thais set up a couple of skeleton activities. The first one was a BIG skeleton puzzle that we made together on the floor. The second one was gluing the different parts of skeleton onto paper. The table wasn’t quite big enough for all of us to fit, so we tried a new strategy where Miss Dom lined up chairs for the children to sit on whilst waiting for their turn. They were given some books to enjoy while doing so which they really enjoyed. This helps the children learn the concept of patience and waiting for their turn.  Puzzles are a really good stimulation for the brain, while developing fine motor skills, as well as problem solving and perserverance.

We then packed away, and headed outdoors for a bit, again with playing with water, riding bikes and throwing balls to one another, which was so much fun! We then gathered as a group, where we sang some more songs and then transitioned indoors to wash our hands and sit down for lunch.

We have had an eventful but beautiful week in Toddler Two and cannot wait til next week!

Love, Miss Thais, Miss Bec and Miss Dom xx