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 Sunshine Monday.

Warm welcome families to our day here in the Toddler Two room where we take on this beautiful Monday and start to our week♥

This morning we started in the Toddlers One room dancing to Disney hits before we set foot for the outdoor journey. The children were happily playing with a variety of things such as;

  • Practicing hand and eye coordination as they throw the ball and catch it!
  • Spontaneously seeking through the books on the mat and picnic table
  • Using great power as they race around on the balance bikes, making sure they keep balanced!
  • Sculpting sand castles as well as making tasty cakes in the sandpit
  • Continued their interest in Disney hits outside and they LOVED grooving to the music

It was a delightful morning outside with their friends and teachers. We then transitioned inside to washing hands, morning tea and group time. For morning tea today they had a scrumptious Coconut Banana Split! They all thoroughly enjoyed this meal and once they had finished they packed away ready to join together on the carpet. In group time today Beau had something VERY special to show his fellow friends! It was 3 beautiful photos of his baby brother Billy who was born last Wednesday. Beau was very proud as he held the photos up for his friends to see before they were passed around. The children were all so fascinated in the photos been shown around, Indi said ”Baby” as she held the photo. What a nice group time this was today.

Indoor exploration consisted of the following:

  • Role playing in home corner and practicing their cutting skills with the wooden knife and fruit.
  • Building car ramps with the wooden blocks before they drive/roll their cars on down.
  • As this week is NAIDOC WEEK we did an art activity today which was painting with the colours red, black and yellow. For the brushes we used sticks that we collected and leaves. As the children were creating their outstanding artwork Miss Jess asked ”What colour are you using Mia” Mia replied ”Red” ”Do you like painting Indi” ”Yes” with a nice smile said Indi. Peyton was very keen to paint with the red first as she said ”Red, Red” When Miss Jess asked ”What colour do you want to start with”. Throughout this week we will be doing a lot more activities based on NAIDOC WEEK.

What an eventful morning it has been, it was then time to work together as a team to swiftly tidy the classroom up so we could head outside before lunch and rejuvenating sleep. What a delicious lunch they had today which was a Nourishing Sweet Potato, Lentil and Spinach Sausage Rolls for the plant based and then for animal protein option was a Nourishing Sweet Potato, Salmon, Lentil and Spinach Sausage Rolls. When they were finished they headed to their beds for a reenergised sleep for this afternoons joyful time with their friend and teachers.

Thank you all for today♥

See you all soon,

Miss Jess, Miss Jade and Miss Lea xx