Today we welcome our friends Charlotte, Hendrix, Luca, Latika, Quinn, Alanis Ivy and Dominic. Our friends Taran and Vaughn transitioned up to toddlers one with Miss Leesa and Miss Jess.

This morning was foggy so we didn’t get to go outside for a play.

Today Miss Shelby extended on the children’s interest yesterday of 5 little ducks by bringing in some plastic ducks and created some blue water in a container for the children to play with. Miss Shelby sang 5 little ducks and Ivy used her hand to make the peak of duck and said ”quack, quack”. The children watched as Miss Shelby poured some blue dye into the container of water and swirled the water and dye around to turn the water blue.

Miss Shelby also talked to the children about if they thought the ducks would float or sink with Charlotte saying” float” and Hendrix saying ”sink”. Miss Thais then thought it would be a great idea to add some other objects into the water and watch to see if they would float or sink, Hendrix and Charlotte added a rock which they watched it float to the bottom of the water. We also added some sea animals, a feather which sank and boat which stayed a float on top of the water.

Luca, Charlotte and Ivy painted some paper plates with yellow paint and decorated the plates with yellow feathers to make ducks as an extended activity from the children’s interest of ducks. Miss Shelby also brought out the yellow coloured play dough to go with the yellow coloured theme of the ducks and added some cars for the children to explore with the play dough. Our friends Luca, Charlotte, Quinn, Latika, Ivy and Hendrix explored the car in the play dough by pressing the car down into the play dough leaving in prints and also moving the cars along the table.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais