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Welcome all to our Tuesday here in the Toddler Two room♥

What a beautiful day it has been today and we are so grateful for the sunny weather.

Morning outdoor play consisted of:

  • Building sandcastles with Miss Gabi and using the diggers to help.
  • Looking at the plants that we planted in the pots from yesterday afternoon. Thank you to Kynell’s mum for giving us some lovely pot plants, we are very excited to see them grow!
  •  Adventuring around the outdoor area with all our friends and teachers.

Indoor group time consisted of: 

  • We all came together on the carpet with Miss Gabi as we sang “4 Cheeky Monkeys” using the felt tree and monkeys. The children were so engaged in this and all had a turn at using the monkeys.
  • Reading the book called “Pirates in Pyjamas” with Miss Jess. The children were very intrigued in this book and looking at all the different pirates and what pyjamas they were wearing (some were pretty funny!!)
  • We then sang “Bee, Bee, Bumble Bee” to transition to washing hands and morning tea. (We had delicious healthy pancakes this morning)

This morning seeing as the weather has been so lovely and the breeze so cool in the shade we thought it would be lovey to spend the morning outside in the shaded area over at the double slide playground. All children thought this was a AWESOME idea as they all were so eager to head on out to seek what was instore for them! On the picnic tables we made pancakes with the playdough as it is PANCAKE DAY! For our next activity we painted Chinese lanterns with red paint to continue on with Chinese New Year activities. The children enjoyed both activities and then explored the water play to rinse off their hands and to have a wonderful time. All children LOVED exploring the new environment! They went down the slides with glee, going up and down the stairs with laughter, blowing bubbles, investigating the garden and so much more.

After our BIG play outside we headed inside to get ready for lunch before we all had a well rest so we were energised for this afternoons whirl of fun♥

Thankyou for today,

See you all soon♥

Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope xx