Happy Hump day Wednesday everyone, what a busy and fun week we have been having in the toddlers two room so far. Today was such beautiful warm weather that we adventured outside for a play this morning where Miss Thais had set up a art and craft activity using collage materials.

While playing outside the children are allowed to help themselves to their water bottles, Hendrix and Ivy demonstrated self-help skills and independence as they helped themselves to their water bottle when they wanted a drink.

For morning tea Miss Kerry made some yummy raspberry and blueberry ice pops which Alanis, Luca and Quinn really enjoyed eating off the stick, Charlotte and Hendrix did have a try of it. While waiting for Morning tea Miss Shelby sang and did the actions to twinkle, twinkle, little star and rollie, pollie, up, up, up which Charlotte and Quinn copied the actions to.

After morning tea our Friend Ivy showed interest in helping Miss Thais clean the floor by using the broom to sweep the floor, Miss Shelby gave Ivy the dust pan and broom which Ivy then used to help pick up the left over food and put in the bin.

Today Miss Shelby extended on the children’s interest of the magnet connectors bringing out the magnetic shapes to build and create with.

Today Miss Shelby brought out the easel to do easel painting using coloured water paint our friends Quinn, Ivy, Hendrix, Charlotte, Luca and Latika put on their art aprons and stood at the easel as they painted using the water paint.

Miss Thais did drawing with Alanis, Latika, Ivy and Charlotte.

Miss Thais brought out the special mother duck and duckling puppets where she sang 5 little ducks, the children were really engaged in the song and they all had a turn at holding onto a duckling puppet on their finger.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais