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Hello Families and Friends! 😊

A warm welcome from toddlers 2 classroom

What a wonderful day around here today.
Our day began with our friends enjoying the fresh breeze and the warm sun around the yard. After putting our hats on and slap some sunscreen was time to start our adventure around the playground. All kids were so excited to explore the environment – enjoying each other companies and sharing smiles and cuddles our popular spots in the playground were:
– Bubbles – Our friends had so much fun making and popping bubbles.
– Origami – Miss Gabi set up a table with recycle newspaper and helped our friends to make paper airplane and boats.
– Garden – Our friends had so much fun spay water and watering the little plants that we put in the soil at the beginning of this week. Was beautiful to see them caring for the little baby plants! 🙂

The time passes so fast when we are having fun then it is time to pack away the playground and get ready for our morning routine. In our group time today the children’s choice was singing a song together on the mat, we sang “wheels on the bus”, ”tiny little turtle” and “Miss Polly had a dolly” and our transition song “bee bee bumble bee”. The children were very engaged in the group time today singing and doing the song movements with their hands.

For morning tea today our friends had healthy and yummy beans soup with bread, today we let our friends do self service on their own plates. We can’t be more proud about our friends they were doing a great job manipulate the tongs and a big spoon.
With our tummies full was time for our group experience. Continuing in our natural week today we used their imaginations and inventiveness to design their own bird nest. The kids explored the playground looking for natural resources before starting the experience. They collated dry leaves from the garden, little wood sticks and bark to use with playdough to make the nests. The children had the creative freedom to build and construct whatever the minds imagined. This activity is a great way to support children’s ’learning of all abilities and also the sensory based and thus supported language development, cognitive growth, motor skills, problem solving and social interaction.

The children also had the opportunity to engage today in: Construction with soft blocks, home corner, reading book, riding bikes, sandpit and much more. 🙂

It was so much going on, so much noise, and so much fun around here today! 🙂
Now we had a lovely rest time on our beds listening to soft music for having other amazing playtime in this afternoon!

With Love
Miss Gabi, Miss Hope and Miss Jess