Our Day In The Toddler Room
Hello friends and families and welcome to another Thursday full of fun and learning. Once again, our day began outside in our beautiful outdoor environment.
While outside, the children practiced their gross motor and balancing skills by taking turns to ‘walk the plank’ and complete the obstacle course. The sandpit was also a popular choice this morning. You could see the children in there baking treats, making presents for their friends and using the trucks to relocate sand from one area of the sandpit to another.
After we transitioned inside and had morning tea, Miss Jess put the playdough out onto the tables for the children. Everyone raced to the tables to have a turn of our light and fluffy playdough. Feathers, cookie cutters, rolling pins and molds were placed with the playdough for the children to use.
During the morning, Miss Jess put on some Wiggles songs and all the Toddler friends came over to the mat and had a dance. A few Toddlers even brought over some musical instruments and tried to keep to the beat of the music.
This morning we also had Mr Daniel from Arakan Martial Arts come out for our weekly session. The children had a blast continuing to practice their martial arts skills.
Love Miss Lessa & Miss Jess