Hello families and friends and welcome to another wonderful day of fun, learning and play in the Toddler room. Today we continued on with  play dough fun  due to the children’s ongoing interest with this type of sensory play. The children utilised the rollers, cookie cutters and colourful feathers to make pretend cupcakes as they used their imagination and creativity to role play and practice their fine skills. The children also engaged in construction play as they built all different types of transport vehicles with the poly M  blocks and then raced them on the tracks on the mat. Yarn time today the children chose some of their favourite books from the shelf including ‘Way down deep in the deep blue sea’ and ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’ as the children helped identify all the different types of animals. Other play experiences today included baby doll play in home corner, movement to music – dancing to the Wiggles and nursery rhymes and puzzle play…