Hello families and welcome to another Fabulous Friday here in the Toddler Room.

Our day began inside today, as the weather was a little cold and rainy. Once the weather cleared up, all the Toddler friends raced outdoors to enjoy some time running around with their friends and working on their gross motor skills. Once we transitioned inside and had morning tea, Miss Jen from Funki Feet came in to do some dancing with everyone. The children listened closely and followed along to all the fun games and dancing that was offered.

The children then sat with Miss Gabi and built some very tall towers using the wooden blocks. A few children chose to go and explore Home Corner while others were on the big mat taking turns to throw the ball to their friends. For Yarn Time, Miss Gabi and Miss Sarah read a few books to the children and sang some of their favourite songs before it was time for our lunch. Today was Fried Rice, so yummy!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess