07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Monday, we hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Today we welcome our friends Harvey, Harry and Kaylee with Miss Jess from toddlers one and Luca, Lachlan and Hendrix with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais from toddler two.

Harvey brought in this PJ mask colouring-in book and sat down to show Miss Shelby the characters in the book and his colouring-in, Thank you for sharing.

This morning for morning tea Miss Jess created some beautiful faces out of the rice crackers, variety of different fruit and rice pops with sunflower spread.

Today Miss Shelby set up the yellow play dough and added coloured paddle-pop sticks for the children to use their imagination and creativity skills to create things with the play dough and paddle -pop. Hendrix said he was making a tree and Harvey said he was making a cake while placing the paddle-pop sticks in the play dough. Luca helped make indents of the paddle-pop sticks by pressing into the play dough, Harry and Kaylee used the rolling pins to roll the play dough and Lachlan sat with Miss Thais watching her create a spider.

Songs enjoyed for group time were:

* Miss Polly had a dolly

* ABC- Kaylee asked for Miss Jess to sing this song

*Old McDonald had a farm

* Open shut them


Other interests of the children were:

* Home-corner play- pretending to cook and feeding dolls

* books

* trucks

For Lunch the children enjoyed yummy tuna and cheese home-made pizza with salad.

Miss Shelby, Miss Thais and Miss Jess