Hello families and friends and welcome to ‘Fun Friday” in the Toddler room. This morning the children practised their self-help skills by spreading their own sunscreen on for our morning play in the great outdoors. Kaylee encouraged her peers to spread the sunscreen all over their face and arms as she carefully observed Miss Jess demonstrate. The children did so well as Miss Jess assisted the children with any areas they may have missed. We will continue practising a variety of self-help skills throughout the month of August including collecting and placing our own shoes on, serving our own morning tea using the tongs and washing and drying our own hands.

The children then transitioned outdoors to enjoy the beautiful weather and play running games, build shapes and cubes with the large building blocks, share story books in the play tent and role playing on the fort. The children  had such a wonderful time socialising, learning to take turns with the balls and observing and chasing the bubbles as they travelled quickly through the air due to the windy day. We then moved indoors for morning tea which included yummy fresh fruit salad and raison bread.

Indoor play today the children kept busy with Lego building, identifying and negotiating roles during baby doll play and dancing to some of our favourite Disney tunes. Wow.. What a super fun day of learning and play at kindy today..

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Jess & Miss Thais