What a beautiful warm morning we had today. Today we welcomed Ariana, Myah, Liz, Isabella, August, Archie, Luna, Lara, Halle, Abel, Ruby, Thomas, and Delilah with lots of smiles and open arms.
We got to engage in the sandpit and 2 wheels bike this morning. The children have been enjoying riding their bikes up the hill and going down. We also got to enjoy swinging on the swing together with everyone saying, “higher higher”. After spending our morning outside together we gathered for our group time where miss Maddi read to us “were going on a bear hunt” we also sang our acknowledgement song “hello how are you” and our favorite requested song “bee bee bumble bee” before transitioning inside for morning teatime!! Today we got to enjoy “Scrumptious Banana split” which everyone loved😊
For our activity today Miss Thais set up a colour recognition game for our friends to enjoy, where under each cup was a different coloured object and our friends got to play and guess what colour was under each cup – they all loved this activity with each of them having a go and guessing all the different colours that could be under there, our friends were very patient in waiting their turns and using their listening ears during our activity today. Once we had all had a turn at the game set up it was then time for Funky Friday dancing!! They are all loving Friday dance showing off their best moves when the music comes on. We also had the parachute today where we had so much fun and enjoyed be under the parachute and see all the colours.
After enjoying some time inside together we started to head back outside to enjoy the beautiful sunshine with toddlers 2 were we got to explore the outdoors and enjoy some spontaneous play before reading some stories and singing songs ready for lunch time. Today we got to enjoy “Fun’ day Friday roast it up” for lunch.
We are now all resting our bodies ready for another fun spontaneous afternoon outdoors, see you all soon and we hope you all have a beautiful weekend!
Much love; Miss Thais, Jordan, and Maddi x