Hey there families! Happy Friday!
Today we had 7 friends in the Toddler One room, Delila, Finley, Luca, Harry, Colton, Chanel and Vaughn!
We began our day inside as our friends slowly started arriving to kindy, playing with the magnets, our new car and dinosaur toys and the instruments. The toddlers have been loving drawing at the moment so we set up a table where they could colour in dinosaurs which was definitely a favourite! Colton really enjoyed colouring in, telling me all the colours as he picked them up “blue” “purple”, “red!”. Finley also enjoyed drawing today, saying “dinosaur”. After Vaughn noticed his friends were colouring, he soon came over and joined in too, saying “tada!” when he finished. Luca really enjoyed the bikes, cars and trucks today and made another garage for his car to sit in.
We then transitioned inside for yummy morning tea, today was raisin toast, melon, apple and banana.
Continuing on with our friends interest in dinosaurs, today we decided to do dinosaur collage with the fallen leaves from outside in our yard! Miss Danna, Colton, Harry, Chanel and Vaughn went on a leaf hunt with buckets/baskets collecting as many leaves as they could and proudly filling up their buckets. Delila noticed that Colton had left his bucket full of leaves in the sandpit so she picked up the bucket and brought it over to Miss Danna saying “here” “Colton’s” so that we could put all the leaves in one place ready for our activity.
We then went one at a time gluing the dinosaur, and sticking the leaves onto the glue and having delightful conversations about what we were doing:
Colton – “more”, “leaves”, “my leaves?” “roar!!”
Vaughn – “yay!”, “dinosaurs”, “tada!”
Delila – “dinosaur”, “glue”, “sticky”, “tail?” – most leaves were cut up but Delila noticed some that weren’t and began ripping them apart so she could stick them onto her collage.
Finley – “Dinosaur”, “leaves”, “yeah!”
Harry – “Harry’s turn”, “I’m sticking the leaves”, “I really like gluing”.
Chanel – Chanel decided she would like to play next door with Toddler Two and since they only had 3 friends today Miss Thais was more than happy to let her play and join in on their jellyfish activity!
After this we had a little play doing indoor/outdoor so the children could choose, and then eventually all came inside for lunch which was shepherds pie.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Lots of love, Miss Danna and Miss Steph xxx