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Happy Floral Friday Families and Friends!!!! šŸ™‚
A warm welcome from Toddlers One!

Another beautiful and playful day around here today! We began our day inside the classroom today. Searching for their self interest toys and games our friends were so excited to explore the classroom today – they choice to do puzzle – farm animals, cars and numbers were the favourite ones.

The times fly when we are having fun with our friends then was time to started our daily routines – change nappy/ toilet time/ morning tea and group time experience.

After morning tea was time to shake our skeleton with Funky feet. The children absolutely love dancing and moving their bodies in all the different ways Miss Jeni shows us. She showed us many songs today and commented on how interactive the session was with Kennedy, Hunter, Everlea, Elijah, Siaya and Zilo. Miss Jeni started off the session with the chicken dance to get us in the mood. Then she set us down to stretch and warm up our bodies with a proper stretch of head, shoulders knees and toes song. After that she played Baby sharkā€¦ as you can probably imagine it was a crowd pleaser with them showing Miss Jeni all the actions this time to the song. After that she informed us about the special someone who is coming to town we shouted ā€œSanta Clauseā€ . Kennedy was trying really hard to get all the facial expressions down pact displaying emotion and mimicking the expressions in the song ā€˜you better not poutā€™ Iā€™m telling you why, (why?) Santa Clause is coming to town.

After practice our chorography with Miss Jena, was time for our table experience, also in morning the children had the opportunity to celebrate Torres Strait Culture in the last Floral Friday of the year. Using blue, pink and yellow paint the friends stamp flowers shapes in a colourful peace of paper in respect of the culture. The paint were beautiful – well done friends!! šŸ™‚

Now we are resting our bodies in bed and leasing a relaxing musicĀ  to get already for another big adventure in this afternoon!

We are hoping you all have a very nice weekend and we are looking forward to see you guys on Monday!

Check out the photos

With Love xx

Miss Steph and Miss Gabi