Hi everyone! Happy Friday😊
We had such a fun day in the Toddlers room, today since there weren’t many of us, we combined with our friends from toddler two.
To begin our day at kindy we had a big play outside where we enjoyed playing with the bikes, trucks, see saw, and of course water play. We then washed our hands for some yummy morning tea, today we had a delicious fruit cake and rockmelon, honeydew melon and oranges!
We decided to make some playdough today so I asked some of our friends what colour we should make it, we all decided that green would be our colour today.. we added some bugs, some blocks and some cutting tools and had a blast, squishing it through our fingers and rolling it into balls.
After playdough, the children were really enjoying the tunes and started dancing to “baby shark”, “tooty ta”, “rockabye your bear” and “hot potato”. We all busted some moves and rocked out so hard that we were sooooo sleepy so back inside we went for some lunch and a sleep.
This afternoon we are going to go outside since the weather is so nice and warm, and do some water play, maybe we can add some bubbles and food colouring.
Have a great weekend everyone! Can’t wait to see you all next week.
Lots of love, Miss Steph and Miss Danna xxx