Hi families! Hope you are having a fantastic Monday.
Today we welcomed a new friend Saiya to our Toddlers One room! Welcome Saiya, you have already settled in so well and made so many new friends!
Today we began our day outside with a big play outside, where we played with the bikes, the sandpit and the climbing obstacle course that was set up out in our bark area.
At group time today we sung our good morning song, saying good morning to each of our friends and our days of the week song, where we then asked the children what day they thought it was. Some said “sunday!” some said “Friday” and finally they began to say “Monday!” We then sung our transition song into the bathroom and began washing our hands ready for morning tea.
Morning tea today, we decided to let the children serve themselves, this is a great learning activity, where the children learn to use tongs, and how to choose what they like to eat! It also really helps the children eat more of their food because they picked it!
We then decided as a group to make some playdough for us to play with! The children all helped with pouring the flour, salt and cream of tartar and then mixing it all together! we then took it outside and collected up some sticks, leaves and branches to play with and use as our toys.
We hope you all had a fantastic day, see you tomorrow!
Lots of love, Miss Steph and Miss Danna xxx