07 5529 8744 [email protected]

  Hello families and friends…

Today in the Toddler room the children were very excited to explore the outdoor environment and enjoy the  playground experiences. The children engaged in digger play, manoeuvring the wet sand from one side of the sandpit to the other. The children also created big sandcastles with the red buckets and then knocked them over and started again. The Toddlers then gathered around the water trough to engage in water play as they measured and poured the water with cups into the water mills and observed the water trickling into the tub. To further extend on this experience we will be utilising rice to measure and pour through the water mills tomorrow. The big swing was popular today as the children jumped on one by one and enjoyed swinging back and forth and singing some of our favourite songs including Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and The Wheels on the Bus. The children then transitioned indoors to wash hands and enjoy our yummy morning tea.    


At the art table today all the children were very eager to do some drawing. They each picked a colour to choose from and when they were done they would raise their hands and all repeat after one and another ‘ta da’. The children were very proud of their drawings and achievements.

Until next time…

Love Miss Shelby, Miss Leesa, Miss Steph and Miss Thais