Hi Families! Hope you are all having a fabulous Thursday.

We had a new friend start with us in the Toddlers One room today, her name is Delila! Welcome Delila, we are so happy to meet you and can’t wait to watch you grow and blossom. Delila was so happy to have made lots of new friends and fit in perfectly with the rest of her classmates.

Today we began our day at kindy with a big play outside, playing with the water, in the sandpit and on the playground. We especially enjoyed watering the plants and the sandpit today, filling up our own watering cans and pouring them all out again and again!

When we came inside for morning tea we went straight to the bathroom and washed our hands with soap. Singing “top and bottom top and bottom, in between, in between, rub your hands together, rub your hands together, scrub scrub scrub, scrub scrub scrub” to the tune of frère Jacques. The children are becoming very good at washing their hands, before meal times and after the toilet/nappy change. We then came inside for a yummy fruit and muesli bar platter. While we were eating Miss Danna sung us some songs such as “open shut them”, “old McDonald had a farm” and “wheels on the bus” (requested by Colton).

After morning tea, we had group time where we talked about the day of the week, what the weather was like outside and what we wanted to do today. Since we have been talking about bugs and the environment recently, we decided to read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” the children love this book and we counted together all the things the very hungry caterpillar ate. We then extended on from our learning about caterpillars and we made our own caterpillars, with leaves made out of coloured paper and different coloured pom poms to make the beautifully coloured caterpillars.

We then went outside for a quick play before our delicious pasta for lunch. Yum Yum! When our tummies were full we went and lay down for rest time. I wonder what our friends are dreaming about today?

We hope you had as great a day as us!

Lots of love, Miss Danna and Miss Gabi xxx