Hello everyone!!! Happy Tuesday!!!
Today the children kept busy explored their new room. Kaylee and William spent time in home corner cooking some food for their friends while Harvey and Ryan were drawing. Joseph played with some animals that Miss Nicky set up for them on the mat.
It was then time for yoga with Miss Gabby. The children followed Miss Gabby’s instructions enthusiastically and happily joined in with all the songs and poses. She read her special book “The Tree” for them and they could make a tree pose. After that Miss Gabby introduced to them Tibetan singing bowl and all of them have a turn to play with it.
Later on in the morning, Miss Nicky read a book “Who sank the boat?“ while Miss Thais set up a Science activity on the floor. The children came over to investigate what had been placed out. We showed some objects to the children and asked if it floated or sank in the box with water. All of them have a turn to try the objects in the water.
Miss Thais and Miss Nicky