Hello Parents and Fiends šŸ™‚ Happy Tuesday

A warm Welcome from Toddlers classroom šŸ™‚

Another wonderful day around here today!! The sun was shine and we began our morning adventure and exploring the playground area – Digging in the sun pit, puddle the bike around the yard and got down in the slime were the favourite experiences. Before the children came inside to washing their hands and prepare their self to morning tea Miss Steph lead our group time. All the children carefully set down in the step and under a warm sun they pay attention at the story time. Today we chose to read a book ” When I am feel jealous and keep talking about feelings with our little friends – after the book we singed some sons before transition to came inside.

Then inside we covered another When Iā€™m Feeling Lonely before doing a painting experience about our emotions. Also, today we played old MacDonald’s farm with playdough that looked like mud and used pasta pieces as the animals. Then we made smiley and sad animals on the farm using the playdough to manipulate it into all different emotions.

We hope youve had an amazing day as we have!

Love Miss Steph, Miss Gabi and Miss Danika