Hello families and friends…

 Happy Friday everyone! Today in the Toddler room we started our day outdoors playing with our friends and enjoying the sunny day. Harper requested ‘bubble play’ so Miss Thais collected the bubble wand and the children all gathered around  to have a turn of blowing the bubbles. Kezia noticed the bubbles floating high into the sky while Vaughn tried to catch them as they blew by.

Indoors the children all gathered on the mat for Yarn Time as we shared an Easter themed story that we borrowed from Toddler Two  entitled ‘Happy Easter Peter’. A book about a little rabbit who shares eggs with all his friends. The children were then excited to transition to the art/craft table to continue on with painting and decorating our Easter crowns. Colton had a wonderful time spreading the paint back and forth as he requested ‘more, more’ paint when he had finished his crown. Conall, Harper, Vaughn and Kezia also enjoyed painting and then collaging their crowns with felt pieces to decorate.  Vaughn confidently labelled all the colours of the felts as he pressed them onto his crown. Kezia and Conall decided it would also be fun to paint their hands and arms too.

Miss Thais then collected the baby dolls, bottles and nappies and Harper eagerly joined in as she engaged in role play to feed and rock her baby doll in her arms. The Toddler friends soon joined in to engage in pretend play and take care of the babies. Other play experiences today included transport play with the emergency stations, construction building with the lego set and sharing story books on the mat..

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Thais