Good afternoon from Toddlers 1, we had a lovely day today exploring and learning. The children absolutely loved playing hide and seek with each other while pretending to be monkeys, as we sang “5 cheeky monkeys” altogether. They seemed to really enjoy hiding under the new green mesh that’s set out for our nature play area, as even though they were hiding they could still see one another.
In outside play today we went on a bear hunt together, which led us to taking turns sliding down the slide, we are learning to take turns and check in on our friends when they fall over.
We spent time today problem solving together, climbing the obstacle courses, making our own courses. Today the blocks and the balls were a favourite and we are learning to share what we love with our friends.
Outcome 4
Children are confident and involved learners
– Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.
Link to Theorist:
This learning experience can be linked to Gesell’s theories. He believes that brain development, gross motor and fine motor capabilities occur most automatically, without learning or instruction.
This learning experience can be linked to Piaget’s theories. He believes the child is an active learner and that the child must be given opportunities to explore, discover and experiment. These principals underpin all cognitive development.
Many hugs and kisses
Miss Steph, Miss Otavia and Miss Dom xxx