Happy Tuesday!
Today we welcomed Nayla, Lara, Nikora, Millie, Brayden, Myah, Orion, Rosie, Abraham, Isabelle and Tua in Toddlers One Room. Outdoors the bikes and the swing were popular.
Miss Thais read to us the books “We are going on an Easter hunt” and “Honey bunny” and talk about Easter. After reading time we sang “bee bee” and listened very carefully to our names to transition to the toilet and wash our hands for morning tea.
During our activity time, we split the children into two groups- outdoor and indoor. Nayla, Nikora, Isabelle, Millie, Orion, Rosie and Tua went for an “Egg hunt” with Miss Kay and Miss Millie where they look for some easter eggs in the playground. Nayla was very focused during this time carrying her easter basket and putting all the eggs inside it.
Myah, Lara and Abraham stayed inside with Miss Thais and Miss Lais making their own Easter basket. We used some glitter and paintbrush to decorate it. Brayden also liked to create his special basket, put the playdough inside later and carrying it around the room. Other play experiences today included sensory playdough play, puzzles, construction play with the train set and instruments.
The time flew and we all went outdoor. We also enjoyed singing some of our nursery rhymes and we very proudly sang the song “one little finger” and “bee bee bumble bee”.
We continued on with practising our meal time self-help skills as the children confidently displayed their ability to use their forks and spoons to enjoy their pasta dish for big lunch. The children also helped pack away their dishes and place their drinks in the basket.
We have had a lovely day, and hope to see you all again tomorrow.
Love Toddlers One