Happy Thursday families and friends… Today in the Toddler room the children kept busy with a variety of fun play experiences. Morning tea time Miss Kerry created boomerang shapes out of the pumpkin slice due to the children’s interest with exploring the Aboriginal cultural display in the foyer. The children then transitioned into play including role play with the doll house, transport play with the wooden tracks and magnetic trains and sensory play dough play. The children utilised the rollers, shape cutters and colourful feathers to express their creativity. Yarn time today we shared the third book in the Alpaca series entitled, ‘A Stack Of Alpacas’, where we met Macca the Alpacas family who came for a visit and had to learn how to be respectful and look after Uncle Maccca’s belongings and home. The children then transitioned outdoors with Mr. Daniel for our weekly ARAKAN session which helped release some energy before settling back indoors for our yummy lunch and rest time…
until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Lyn…