07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello Families and Friends!

Happy Friday and a warm welcome from Toddlers 2

What a wonderful day we have been having here today. Our morning began with our friends enjoying this beautiful sunny but cool Autumn day.  The children had a fabulous time exploring and engaging in play in the wonderful outdoors, eager to play with their friends. Please read on to see what we have been up to today.

 Experiences we engaged in today:
– Balance bikes- Today our friends had the opportunity to play with the new balance bikes that’s Kylie brought for us, and what a special surprise. The children are figuring out how to manage the little balance bikes with two wheels, some children already are confident and pushed the bikes all around the yard. This new resource will be amazing to continue developing the children gross motor skills and our friends love the challenge and were doing a fabulous job at balancing. Well done friends

– Face paint stage – To make our day more colourful, Miss Jess and Miss Hope leaded our hand and face paint spot this morning on the yard. The most requested pictures were spiders, butterflies, and love hearts,

– Construction area – Miss Gabi set up a calm space for the children building with soft blocks. Our friends have been enjoying trying to balance two blocks on top of one another. The children  through this experience the children have the opportunity to further  develop their concentration skills, develop persistence and perseverance, engage with cause and effect  and problem solving. Our friends are doing an amazing job building with all types of blocks!

– Rubbish truck – In the beginning of the morning our friends hear the rubbish truck collecting the bins in the Kindy`s carpark. Enthusiastic with the noises, our friends run to the gate to check out the truck and then spend some time just watching the truck the work.
Extending this children interest for the rubbish truck Miss Gabi and Miss Jess had a play idea for our second period of the morning.

After all these events in the playground it was time to pack away the toys in the yard and start our morning routines. 😊

Before we sat down for morning tea we had our daily meeting in our group mat, where we welcomed our friends and enjoyed a story together. Today the book we read were “5 busy tractor” and That is not truck?” The children really engaged with both books, here they had the opportunity to engage their counting skills. The children enjoyed counting the trucks, and using their communication skills to try and guess what was hiding under the flaps. As this was a definite favourite we will have to revisit this next week.
Then we sang our “bee bee bumble bee” song and transitioned for washing hands and have our delicious morning tea.

For morning tea today we had a delicious Healthy Apple owl Rice Cakes mad with homemade chia jam, apple slices, banana, blueberries, mandarin, sultanas and strawberries. This meal was an absolute success for our friends, they loved it!

With our tummies full we had our Funky feet class with  Miss Jenn, today we got to dance like dinosaurs, shake our bodies engage with music instruments and pom pom`s to cheer up our group.

Then the adventure continues, after dance class we decided to go back outside to extend on the children interest in the rubbish truck and transport. Miss Gabi set up  different type of trucks and some “rubbish” and asked her friends to pick up the items using  the trucks. The children loved it. They picked up all the paper from the floor and then began collecting other elements around the yard, such as sand, bark, leaves, sticks and much more. The children got so excited with the play, pushing the trucks everywhere.

We also set up a sensory table with colour clay. Using natural tools our friends enjoyed making birthday cake with the clay, putting the sticks on top and singing Happy Birthday. Super cute! 😊

 So much going on, so much noise, and so much fun around here today! 🙂
For our lunch time we had another delicious and nutritious meal a Ocean Hugger Fish and Chips served with a delicious salad bar.
Now we are having a lovely rest time in our beds listening to soft music and relaxing by charging our energy for another big play in the afternoon!
Check out the photos
With Love,
Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope