Good afternoon friends and family!
Welcome to another exciting week in the Toddlers Two room, we couldn’t wait to get started with all the fun and see all our beautiful friends faces! We started our morning welcoming to the yard, Peyton, Beau, Thomas, Jackson, Indi, Mathias, Mia and Oliver. we engaged in imaginative play in the sandpit, building with the buckets and spades, which was also great for extending our friends fine motor and hand-eye coordination. We also loved building and strengthening our gross motor and turn taking skills with riding the bikes on the bike track! What a lovely way to start our week and morning.
Transitioning inside, we came together and sat on the mat and read a story with Miss Gabi called ‘It’s okay to be different!”, our friends loved this book as we explored how every person is different and that’s okay! After reading our story we sang ‘Bee Bee Bumble Bee!’ to one by one transition to washing our hands and morning tea. All our friends did really well with morning tea, we have continued with our self selection skills and allowing the children to decide on what they would like in their bowls, we were very impressed that everyone wanted to try and everything and did a wonderful job of eating almost everything up! For morning tea we had, Scrumptious Coconut Banana Split. YUMMO!!
After morning tea, we moved onto spontaneous play in the classroom, we have been absolutely loving exploring and role play in the home corner, making and cooking food, having picnics and role playing families. This opportunity of play is great for building on the children’s engagement with one another, encouraging verbal communication. It also encourages the children to explore their imagination and engage in role play with others while also learning to share and take turns. To build on this interest, Miss Gabi had super exciting activity which involved playdough and different tools and cooking pieces. Our friends all engaged in this imaginative, role play experience all making different foods. Some of these foods included pizza, cakes and cupcakes. When Miss Crystal asked our friends what they were making, very excitedly Thomas showed her his creation and informed her that he was “making cupcakes!”., Indi was observed giving her creation to Peyton and saying, “Here’s dinner!”, while Oliver passed his in a muffin container and said “Look! Chocolate Cake!”. It was lovely to watch all our friends engage and play so beautifully with one another. After our friends were finished playing with the playdough and moved on, Mathias and Mia stayed at the table practising their cutting skills, both held the scissors with good gripped and were determined to cut through the playdough, building and strengthening once again their fine motor skills. Over on the mat along with Miss Gabi and Miss Jade, Beau, Peyton and Jackson built a track using the blocks for the cars to drive on. They worked together and when finished they took turns to drive their cars on it. Excellent work friends!
Before lunch we went outside as Miss Hayley had arrived to do Yoga. Our friends from Toddlers 1 joined us as we moved and stretched our bodies. We did our favourite song, “Sleeping Bunnies” but with a twist, each time being a new animal, posing and moving like them, such as turtle, moving very slow. We then continued with some outdoor play again in the sandpit and with the bikes. After playing so well with one another we then moved onto inside for lunch, again using our self selection skills, our friends chose what they wanted on their plates. Again, it was impressive to see our friends wanting to try everything and doing a great job of eating it! Our lunch today was Nourishing Sweet Potato, Lentil and Spinach Sausage Rolls as well as some with Salmon alongside a delicious salad bar!
After our lunch and rest time we will enjoy afternoon tea, Homemade Salsa and Smashed Avocado with Pita Crisps and fresh fruit then move onto outdoor play in the yard.
Have a wonderful afternoon everyone!
Lots of Love,
Miss Gabi, Miss Crystal and Miss Jade xx