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Hello Families and Friends!
Happy PJ`S DAY and  a super welcome from TODDLERS TWO FRIENDS!

What a fabulous journey we`ve had around here this morning. This morning our friends were so excited to play around and enjoying their friends company. Our morning began outside with the children welcoming their friends with a lot of cuddles and smiles, and ALSO checking their pyjamas out. We had a relaxing time in the warm sun and our friends had a wonderful time exploring the playground, riding bikes, building in the sandpit, throwing and catch balls, taking turns in the slide and much much more. 😊

The time goes so fast when we are having so much fun with our friends, before we knew it, it was then time to pack the playground toys away and started our morning routine. In our group time today Miss Gabi read a book that called ” DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK” that our friend Jackson brought to share with us.
on the group mat everybody sat down with their listening ears on to pay attention to the book. Everyone was very engage in the book, our friends couldn`t stop laughing about it. They really enjoyed the fact that Miss Gabi did not follow the rules and open the book to read.
Once the story has finished it was time for singing our nursey rhyme song and the BEE BEE bumble boo to create a smooth transition to washing our hands and morning tea time.

For morning tea today we had a delicious scrumptious Coconut Banana Split. YUMMO!! All our friends did so well with morning tea. We have continued with our self-selection skills and allowing the children to decide on what they would like in their bowls, we were very impressed how patiently our friends was and also that everyone wanted to try everything and did a wonderful job of eating almost everything up. We are so proud of our little friends! ♥

Once we`ve finished packing our belongings from the morning tea time, the adventure continued inside our classroom. Looking for their self select toys, games and blocks. The children had the opportunity to engage in a variety of fun experience  as a:

♣ Role play in home corner still so popular around here, as the children enjoyed cooking to each other and said : ” DINNER TIME” or ” DINNER IS READY!” They loved using the little chopping boards and pretending they are cutting the vegetables with the little wooden knifes, and put all the foods inside the little pan then put it on the stove top. They`re so cute letting their imaginative flow into the play! ♥♥

♣ Wooden blocks is the hit around our classroom as well. The children loved building with the blocks, making ramps for the little cars or building a little garage space and then parking the car inside. The children also enjoyed using the blocks as a step and much more. Our friends are always having a great fun playing in the construction area. 😊

♣ Building with magnetics was one of the choices of play on the group mat this morning as well. Our friends enjoyed using the little pieces to build houses and ice cream.

♣ In our GROUP PLAY on the tables, Miss Gabi followed up the children interests from ” Three little pigs” and organize a sensory play. Using playdough and little wooden sticks. Our friends were invited to build their own ” little pig house” and after we could blow it way as THE BIG BAD WOOF”. It was a little challenge building using just sticks but our friends figure it out on their own way to make house in their unique design – They loved the experience and OF COURSE their favourite part was smashed it with a BIG BLOW!
As our friends are demonstrate so much interest in the ” Three little pig” tale we will focus on this topic this week.

It was so much going on, so much noise, and so much fun around here this morning! 😊 Now we had a lovely rest time on our beds listening to soft music for having other amazing playtime in this afternoon and we also thinking about to do a TED BEAR PICNIC with our friends!!!

For lunch today we more another delicious food ! Our lunch today was Nourishing Sweet Potato, Lentil and Spinach Sausage Rolls as well as some with Salmon alongside a delicious salad bar!

With love,

Miss Gabi, Miss Hope and Miss Connie