Happy Monday we hope you all had wonderful weekend, today Miss Shelby and Miss Steph offer a warm welcome to our friends Rania, Luca, Lachlan, Quinn, Alanis, Henry, Alexia, Zahra and Grace.
We started our day playing outside with our friends from toddlers one where Miss Shelby filled the water trough up with water and added some baby dolls, Luca, Quinn and Lachlan were engaging in this outside activity with them using their words to say ”baby”. Quinn, Lachlan and Luca also were pretending to drive the car so Miss Shelby sang ”The wheels on the bus”.
Zahra gave her mum and sister Bella big cuddles and Kisses good bye.
Before Morning tea time we joined together for group time where we sang and did the actions to some of our favorite songs, singing open shut them, twinkle little star, Miss Polly had a dolly and row, row, row your boat. Quinn, Lachlan and Luca were really enjoying doing the actions to the songs with Luca knocking on the wall when Miss Shelby sang ” knocked at the door” while singing Miss Polly had a dolly.
Today we continued to do inside/outside. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the water play and slippery slide with help from Miss Steph.
This Thursday is Waitangi Day, the national day of New Zealand, commemorates the signing on 6 February 1840 of the Treaty of Waitangi. Ceremonies take place at Waitangi and elsewhere to commemorate the signing of the treaty, which is regarded as New Zealand’s founding document. Today we did an art activity to create a New Zealand wall display in our room, today the children painted a kiwi using brown paint . After she finished her painting Quinn recognised her own achievement as she pointed to her painting and said ”wow”
Miss Gabbi joined us for a play today where did animal recognition using animal puzzle pieces, it was lovely hearing Quinn, Alexia, Luca and Grace use their words interacting with Miss Gabbi and naming the animals. Aleixa said nay as she showed Miss Shelby the horse puzzle piece, Lachlan said ”cow” and Quinn pretended to be a chicken saying ”brook, brook” and Luca said ” meow” when Miss Gabbi showed him a cat puzzle piece.
Zahra brought in a wiggles dvd to help comfort her so today we played some wiggles music with Miss Gabbi holding hands to dance with our friends. They loved dancing to Rock a bye a bear the most, Alanis was busy placing the magnets up the fridge and Luca was placing the tractor puzzle together on the floor.
Miss Shelby and Miss Steph xx