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Sunshine Monday♥

Good afternoon and welcome to our day, where many laughs, smiles, imagination, problem solving and such joy was had. This morning started off outside. Noah, Cameron and Mathias showed how fast they were at riding the balance bikes around the bike track. As they rode the bike they not only had to make sure to keep balanced but to also keep great concentration and focus on watching where they go. As the rest of the Toddler Two children arrived they were all eager to have a great adventure before it was time to come inside for morning tea.

When we came together inside on the group mat, Miss Jess started off by asking the children if they could show me where their ”ears” are and so forth. This was a great way to have their attention before we read a book about colours! Throughout the book Indi shouted ”Red” when Miss Jess asked ”What colour is this?” Charlie repeated Miss Jess as she said ”Yellow” for one of the colours. The children are all becoming more confident in knowing colours and recognizing them too. We finished the group time with our transition song to wash hands for morning tea. As they had finished they washed their hands before they took foot around the room.

Mia and Peyton went straight for the babies as they laid the babies down on the pillows and covered them with the blanket before they ‘patted them to sleep’. Kynell, Beau, Cameron and Noah headed for the car area as they grabbed the box of cars before they drove them around the car mats and through the car ramp! Thomas and Jackson were happily building with the soft and hard wooden blocks, as they made towers before they fell over. It was so lovely seeing all children so engaged in their own activity and playing with one another.

It was then time to pack away the room as we were getting ready for creativity! To continue on with colours and weather topic, the children were able to make rainbows. At one table with Miss Hope they painted their rainbow using blue, green, yellow, purple, orange and a paintbrush. At the other table with Miss Jess they freely painted their rainbow with a sponge and food colouring. Throughout this fun time both Miss Hope and Miss Jess spoke to the children about the colours they were using and asking them what colours they were and how rainbows happen.

When they had completed their amazing artwork they helped to pack away before they headed outside for a journey of fun before a delicious lunch and reenergising sleep for this afternoons fun.

Thank you all for a great start to the week♥

See you all soon,

Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope xx