07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello Families and welcome to our day here in the Toddlers Two room♥

This morning we started in the Toddler Two room exploring throughout before it was time to slip, slop and apply our sunscreen and pop our hats on ready to leap out to the outdoors for a great big adventure. Our friends enjoyed racing around on the bikes, saying hello to the horses next door, drawing with Jackson’s chalk that he kindly shared with his friends! Jumping up and down on the bridge, sliding down the slide and dancing with Miss Jess.

We then all had a BIG drink of water and transitioned inside for our morning routine. We all came together calmly on the mat where Miss Jess was sitting with a book called “Mr Tickles” all children listened so carefully as the book was read and to hear what Mr Tickles was doing. We all showed how long our arms were and stretched them so high in the sky! Before we ended our group time we sang “Wheels on the bus” and “Bee , Bee bumble Bee” washed our hands and headed for the tables to enjoy our lovely morning tea.

After morning tea it was time to explore our indoor environment with our friends and teachers!

  • Driving the cars on the car ramp, car mat and in the dolls houses was very popular this morning! They really have been really enjoying the small cars lately!
  • Making red playdough with our friends help mixing it all together!! This was a lot of fun and ALL children really liked helping to mix it all through before then getting some glitter and mixing it in their own bit of playdough. What an awesome sensory activity this was today.

After our morning indoor fun we all headed outside for a big play and just in time for Miss Hayley our yoga teacher!! We all came together on the stage outside and relaxed our bodies for some yoga. Tapping our feet with the musical instruments, breathing in and out and dancing to sleeping bunnies. Thank you Miss Hayley for today and see you next week! It was then time to come inside as lunch was ready for all to enjoy before it was time to rest our bodies.

This afternoon we are all very energised after our sleep and all eager to race outside for an afternoon of excitement and joy.

Thank you all for today,

See you all soon♥

Miss Jess, Miss Hope and Miss Steph xx