Good afternoon families,

Welcome to another day in Toddlers Two Room!

We spent most of the day Outdoor playing with our friends from Toddlers One and exploring the playground. Today the children kept busy climbing through the obstacle course, taking turns on the slide and pushing each other on the swing. Some friends collected balls and buckets in their wheelbarrows and pushed them through the garden and around the bike track.

We have been learning our body parts this week, so Miss Thais brought a Face Puzzle and the children could mix and match the puzzle. The children also used their words saying “hair, eyed, nose and mouth”. They did so well!

Other play experiences today included pencil drawing, construction play with the lego, role play with the baby dolls and bottles.

Everyone enjoyed their meals today.  For morning tea we had banana pancakes which everyone loved!  We also had banana and watermelon. Lunch was our favourite rice, fish and salad. All our little friends ate so well! Everyone is doing really well feeding themselves with a spoon.

Willow turns two on Saturday! We are going to singning Happy Birthday to her this afternoon. She brought some party bags to share with her friends. Happy birthday Willow! 🙂

Love Miss Thais