Hi families! hope you’re having a great Thursday.

Today we began our day with our friends from Toddlers One in their room playing with train tracks, dinosaurs, climbing course and books!

When the weather warmed up we decided to go outside for a play, we really enjoyed playing in the sandpit today with Miss Gabi and Miss Danna, “birthday cake!” said Parker, “yummy!” said Dominic. We made each other lots of cakes, and pretended to eat them all and rubbing our tummies saying “yummy yummy” just like the wiggles. Then we transitioned inside to wash our hands ready for our delicious morning tea, which was bananas, yoghurt and pear and berry crumble.

After morning tea, we sat and did group time, reading a few stories about our feelings and talking about how they make us feel, and then talked about what our friends would like to do today, we all decided that it would be fun to do some painting of the sun, rocket ships and planets to continue our theme of space, the children love painting and using their fine motor skills to hold the cotton tips as they dabbed, dragged and spread the paint onto the paper.

Once we had finished our paintings, the children moved off to choose what they wanted to play with next, today they picked legos and connecting blocks to play with. The toddler 2 children are all very snuggly at the moment so there were lots of hugs going around between Parker, Alia, Dominic and Willow, and lots of hugs with Miss Thais too. It is so important that the children feel safe in their environment, so it’s so nice to see our friends giving each other cuddles, and beginning to understand that if someone doesn’t want a cuddle that is okay too!

After our indoor play, we transitioned again into the bathroom to wash our hands for lunch. Our friends all ate up their entire lunch and had happy little bellies ready for rest time.

I hope you had as great a day as us!

Lots of love, Miss Thais xxx