Happy Thursday
Hello and welcome to our day here in the Toddlers Two room! What a beautiful journey it has been.
The morning began with the children exploring throughout the Toddler One room as it was raining and wet outside. As more children arrived, we moved into our room where they set off in adventure! They enjoyed playing with the cars on the car mat, using the magnetic alphabet letters on the boards, role-playing in-home corner, and dressing up with the costumes. It was a joyful morning and now it was time to swiftly pack away for group time.
In group time today Miss Jess began with ‘follow me’ actions to gain their attention before reading a book called ‘’You’re a Big Brother’’ as Noah is going to be a big brother as of today which is VERY exciting. When we had finished reading the book, we ended group time singing the alphabet song before washing hands for morning tea.
When the children had finished eating, they packed away just in time for ARAKAN! In arakan they were able to practice their quick reflex skills and following instructions to hear what they had to do next! Afterwards at the tables Miss Hope had set up playdough, they were able to stick the letters inside their playdough and with help make their own letters. This is a fun way for the children to start their prewriting skills and letter recognition. Throughout this morning the children were ALL engaged in each activity and spontaneous play. As the rain held off they were able to set foot outside before a delicious lunch and energised rest for this afternoon
Thank you all for today
See you all soon
Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope xx