Happy Tuesday and welcome to our fabulous day two of Book Week!
So far it has been amazing to see the children coming dressed up as their favourited book character and to be able to read their choice of books. Reading is a great way to enhance on bonds with one another as well as opening them up to a whole world of imagination. We were very lucky that we were able to have sometime outside before the rain set in this morning. Jackson showed his hammering skills as he used his hammer to bang down the shovel. Thomas, Max, and Jackson sat with Miss Jess as she read Jackson’s book about diggers! All superstars made the most of their morning outside journey before mother nature let it rain on down
All children came undercover as they make their way to the room out of the cooler weather. We joined together on the mat. This morning we all said a BIG and BRIGHT good morning to one another before we read the ‘’Three Little Pigs’’ All children LOVE this story and were so engaged throughout. To end group time, we finished on signing our transition to wash hands for morning tea.
As the children packed away, they excitedly headed to the window to see the rain! This then led u to sing ‘’Rain, Rain go away’’ we then proceeded to talk about the rain and the colour of the sky. We will extend on weather next week which will be AWESOME! Noa was doing ballerina twirls so we then decided to put music on, and ALL children grooved away so happily! Throughout this time, we had some face painting going on too which some of the children got involved in!
It was then time to pack way get already for lunch! For lunch today we had a delicious rainbow sushi bowl, so far is one of the favourite meals around here.
Now the children are in bed relaxing their bodies and minds for another BIG play in this afternoon.
For TOMORROW we will work on “The answers about the magic creatures” book so the children either can dress up in “fairy tales” costume or their favourite story book.
With love
Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope