Happy Tuesday, only 8 more days to go until our Christmas party and Santa comes to visit us here at Riversdale Early Learning, today Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Luca, Hendrix, Ivy, Charlotte, Lachlan B, Latika, Lachlan H, Dominic and a very big welcome to our new friend Grace.
Today we started our day by welcoming the children to the room as Miss Shelby sang a ”Good Morning” song and said ”Good Morning” to all her friends Luca smiled back at Miss Shelby when she said Good Morning to him, Ivy waved and Hendrix , Lachlan B and Charlotte all said ” Good Morning” back to Miss Shelby. We enjoyed singing and doing the actions to tiny Tim the turtle where they children loved this song as they sang along to the words and clapped their hands when they bubble popped. Hendrix said to Miss Shelby ” look tiny turtle” as he showed her how he can make a turtle with his hands, Ivy also used her hands to make tiny Tim the turtle.
After morning tea we had a very good helpers with Grace, Ivy, Luca and Hendrix helping to clean the tables and using the dust pan and broom to clean the floor. Grace was really enjoying sweeping the floor and table with the dust pan and broom.
The children made their own Christmas tree today as they used some green water paint to paint a picture of a Christmas tree and decorated their tree with some Christmas foam stickers, with help from Miss Shelby they all did a great job at sticking the foam stickers onto their Christmas tree. While decorating his Christmas tree Lachlan B recognised the Santa foam sticker, he said to Miss Shelby ” look Santa can i have”.
Miss Thais sang her Meow song where our friends Ivy and Grace joined her and danced around in a circle while holding hands together before falling to the ground, when falling to the ground Ivy said ” meow” showing that she knows the words and actions of the song. Together in a small group some of the children sat with Miss Thais to look the pictures of the dinosaurs while Miss Thais was reading the story.
Dominic and Lachlan H were busy building with the wooden blocks on the table, they both laughed every-time they knocked the blocks down.
Miss Shelby and Miss Thais